賀金斯 Huygens 共振理論與寶維斯尺度 Bovis Scale
「共振」能使低頻變高頻◎ 心光網 / 心光網編輯部
為了說明能量是如何從低振頻轉換到高振頻,必須提到一六六五年荷蘭科學家賀金斯(Christian Huygens)所發現的「共振原理」(entrainment):當兩種有著不同周期的物質能量相遇時,振動韻律強大的物質會使較弱的一方以同樣的速率振動,而形成同步共振的現象。也就是說,強大韻律的振動投射到另一有相對應頻率的物體上,而此振動韻律弱的物體由於受到相對應頻率之周期性的刺激,因而與較強的物體產生共鳴而振動。
你可能會問,能量的「高」和「低」是怎麼定的?到底能量「高」或「低」意所何指? 我們常聽人用「能量」來形容人、物或地理環境:「此人很有能量」或「這地方能量很強,風水不錯」,可惜的是,迄至目前為止,科學界還沒有任何「絕對」的科學標準或儀器能精確測量世上所有的能量,因此,在療癒學或靈學上,要測量能量的高或低,傳統上都是靠測量者的超感能力(超視覺、超聽覺、超嗅覺、超味覺及超觸覺或動覺), 由於每一種能量皆有特定的脈動(亦即其振動頻率),都可以用超感官去測量,舉個用超觸覺或肌肉動覺測能量的例子,如到市場買水果,我伸手去感覺來自兩個不同農場的蘋果,A蘋果感覺上脈動慢些,B蘋果感覺上脈動快些,振動的「質」也精細些,我當然會選擇能量較「高」的B蘋果。
近代一位法國物理學家寶維斯(Antoine Bovis)用鐘錘原理發展出「寶維斯尺度」(Bovis Scale),有系統的用數據來測量並記錄物質的能量,任何東西都可測量出用數目字代表的值,其值可正可負,對生物體來說,6500單位以下是負值,對健康有害,6500為「中性」,不好不壞,若是對健康有益,必須至少在八千至一萬以上。比如說,如果將之用來測量地理,所得之值若是低於6500,不適合人居住,可能是地下水脈流經之處或正好是地球輻射線較強之處。另外,教堂鐘聲為11000,宗教廟宇為14000。
Echelle de Bovis
http://ekladata.com/d8TebaocDz4ZOe3ubYn-nGz9Xbw@500x375.jpgPyramide agissantepour agir à distance.
Momification en cours d'un maquereau non vidé.(Déja fait deux heures) http://ekladata.com/YTjPKWFfqrh5ZOPh9xjYvHxSmQw.jpg
http://geopathicstress.blogspot. ... loadable-books.html
<b>宝维斯尺度是如何计算出的?</b><br><br>宝维斯尺度靠谱吗?如果计算人本身的 宝维斯尺度,会不会与<b>袁天罡的称骨法</b>有异曲同工之处??<br><br><b>袁天罡称骨算命法:</b><br>
<br> 根据个人八字(即出生年月日和时辰),分别在后面所附内容中查出出生年的重量、出生月的重量、出生日的重量以及出生时辰的重量,将四个重量相
好的,但从一般意义上说,八字重的普遍比轻的得到的批示要好,所谓一般意义也就是说这里的好在有的人眼中可能未必是好。 <br><br> 举个例子:1971年正月初一子时出生的人可以查到年的重量为一两七钱,月的重量为六钱,日的重量为五钱,时辰的重量为一两六钱,将之相加:<br><br>
<font color="#FF0000">一两七钱 + 六钱 + 五钱 + 一两六钱 = 四两四钱</font>
<br><br> 然后查四两四钱的称骨歌:<br><br> <font color="#FF0000">四两四 来事由天莫苦求,须知福禄胜前途,当年财帛难如意,晚景欣然便不忧</font>
<br><br><br><br> <b>出生年的重量</b>(以六十年为一周期,也就是说<b><font color="#FF0000">相差六十年的年份重量相同</font></b>)<b>:</b>
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<a name="RANGE!A1:J12">1941</a>,2001,…</td>
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<br><br><br> <b>出生月的重量:</b>
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<a name="RANGE!A1:E3">正月</a></td>
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<br><br><br> <b>出生日的重量:</b>
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<a name="RANGE!A1:J6">初一</a></td>
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<br><br><br> <b>出生时辰的重量:</b>
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<col width="40"><col width="61"><col width="40"><col width="40">
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<br> 时辰还算表:
<table id="table8" width="544" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<col width="54"><col width="82"><col width="54"><col width="82">
<col width="54"><col width="82"><col width="54"><col width="82">
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23:00 - 01:00</td>
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01:00 - 03:00</td>
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03:00 - 05:00</td>
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05:00 - 07:00</td>
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07:00 - 09:00</td>
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09:00 - 11:00</td>
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11:00 - 13:00</td>
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13:00 - 15:00</td>
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15:00 - 17:00</td>
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17:00 - 19:00</td>
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19:00 - 21:00</td>
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21:00 - 23:00</td>
<br><br><br> <b>袁天罡称骨歌:</b><br><br>
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此命生来大不同,公侯卿相在其中。一生自有逍遥福,富贵荣华极品隆。</td></tr></tbody></table><br><br> The practice 手法練習
http://www.whitemagicway.com/images/P1000823.JPG The first thing to find out is the pendulum's movement that means "yes" and the one that means "no". They are different for each person. There are many possible exercises to find this out. 第一,先找出錘擺運動,何者代表是,何者代表非。
Hold your pendulum between thumb and index of the hand you feel more comfortable with. Don't forget to relax shoulders and arms. 握住錘擺,放在指縫間上,標示一下手感,是否舒坦。別忘放鬆肩膀與手臂。
http://www.whitemagicway.com/images/P1000825.JPG Here is the first exercise: Hold your pendulum above the palm of your other hand. Wait to see which movement the pendulum does. You can give it a back and forth starting swing or hold it still. The movement of the pendulum above the palm of your hand means "yes". 1.將錘擺高於另一隻手。看錘擺如何運動,讓它前後搖晃或者不動。在掌心上的錘擺運動,代表肯定。
Then turn your hand and hold the pendulum above the back side of your hand, the movement that shows up means "no". 然後翻掌,在掌背上的錘擺運動代表否定。
The second exercise is to ask true questions, for example hold your pendulum above a glass of water and ask the question: "Is this a glass of water? The movement that will show up means "yes". 2,握住錘擺,在一杯水之上,問:這是一杯水嗎?錘擺運動,明顯表示肯定。
Then ask "Is this a glass of wine?" and the movement that will show up means "no". 然後問這是酒嗎,錘擺將明顯表示否定。
Learn to phrase your questions precisely. Clear and simple questions that can only be answered by "yes" or "no". Then practice, practice, practice as much as you can, until you become confident about the answers you get. 練習問題精簡扼要,答案只有是與非。不斷練習,直到答案很肯定。
Your pendulum gets charged with energies when you use it, and needs to be washed with streaming water from time to time. To check if it is charged before you start dowsing, you can use the first exercise described above. If your pendulum doesn't show the usual "yes-no" movements and acts weird above the palm of your hand, it needs to be cleaned. 用錘擺會耗量,需經常用水沖洗,使用必須檢查,如果擺動無法顯示答案,手感怪異時,表示需要水洗了。
You can also place the pendulum on an orgone charging plate when you don't use it, to clean it.
Before you start dowsing earth energies or people, there are three important questions to ask.
The first question is "Am I ready ?" Which means: Am I in the right state physically and mentally to do this work now?
The second one is "Can I?" Which means: Do I have the required knowledge and energy level to do this work?
The third question is "May I" which means: Do I have the permission from the site or the person to do it? If the answer to the three questions is "yes", you can start.
Good luck! http://www.whitemagicway.com/dowsing.html
食物與酒的振動The vibrations of food and drink http://www.landspurg.com/html/en/10.shtml
http://www.landspurg.com/img/10/vibralim.png Measure the energetic vibration of foodstuffs with the help of the 0–36000 graduated Bovis scale (above) and a pendulum
The Vibrational energy of this Food is ... Bovis units
The Vibrational energy of this Drink is ... Bovis units
http://www.landspurg.com/img/10/aliments.jpg The vibration of the fruitsabove the food and drink dynamisor will be multiplied by three within three minutes.
To stay in good health our body and spirit need to live in a healthy environment and to have a healthy, balanced diet. Knowing that the vibration of a place located in a neutral zone currently corresponds to 12000 Bovis units or 12000 Angström*, we need to eat the maximum of food and drink which total this vibration. All the food and drink that vibrate at 12000 Bovis units and over, will give us the energy required. Whereas any food or drinks which vibrate below 12000 Bovis units, will lower our energy levels. It is the same for the vibration of the places where we live.
To measure the vibration of a habitation the radiesthesists use a half-circle graduated scale from 0 to 14000 Bovis units and to measure the vibration of food and drink, a graduated half-circle scale from 0 to 36000 Bovis units.
If you would like to measure the vibration of your food and drink using a pendulum, please do so, we have provided a graph below. To measure and compare the vibration of your food put the graph graduated from 0 to 36000 units in front of you on the table, facing North. Place the food or drink to be measured on the left of the graph. Place your left hand as an amplifier at about five cm above the food or drink to be measured, your palm facing downwards towards the food or drink. At the same time, you give the pendulum, which you hold lightly between your thumb and your index finger, a light swing in a North-South direction to make it leave the centre of the half-circle of the graph. It will oscillate (turn on itself) and then gradually come to rest over a graduation on the graph. You then look to see on which graduation it has stabilized and note the figure obtained – which will be the result. If you are left-handed person, you will need to place the food or drink on the right side of the graph and will use the pendulum in your left hand; your right had placed above the food or drink to be measured. Note on a sheet of paper the name and the vibration of your food and drink, and then it’s up to you to make the comparison.
This method of comparing the vibrations of food, although not a scientific one, is very strict and clearly shows that the fresher the food and drink, and the most naturally farmed, are higher in energy and vitality than those that have been left for several days and those that have been treated by pesticides and modern farming methods.
The food which is higher in energy and vitality helps to keep us in good health, the ones that have been stored for a while leave or have been treated leave us weaker in energy – which leaves the door open to illness and disease.
We have also noticed that it is possible to energize food and drink. For example, by pressing fresh lemon juice (that vibrates at 12000 Bovis units) over fish (that vibrates at 5500 Bovis units), the fish becomes energetically charged and takes on the vibration of the lemon juice (12000 Bovis units) when re-measured.
If there was a machine calibrated scientifically, rather than just using a pendulum, which could measure the vibration of places, food, drink or medicines, there would be real revolution in our everyday life. Most significantly in the radiesthesic analyses of vibrations of food, drink and habitations, are the comparisons. The method which consists of comparing the measurements of your food and drink make it possible for you to eat your fill without gaining weight and losing superfluous kilos if necessary. It gives you more energy, and leaves you without the general fatigue and tiredness during the day that you experienced beforehand. It enables you to compare which are the medicines, essential oils, and herbal teas etc, which have a strong vibratory capacity. The more the vibration of your food and drink is raised, the more energy you will have. This method of comparison measures the vibration of food and drink using a pendulum and a graph is simple and anyone can do it.
Try this experiment for yourself, and you will soon be convinced. What differentiates life from death is energy. If you eat food which has few vibrations, your low energy opens up the door to disease and can even possibly shorten your life.
After about fifteen years of serious studies and tests, we have been able to develop a food and drink dynamisor. Manufactured exclusively by a ceramics factory in Alsace**, this terra cotta dynamisor was developed taking into account the weight, the firing, the proportions, style, special clay and special water. At the end of three minutes, the vibration of the food contained in a pan and posed on top of the dynamisor, food, drink, vegetables fruit or even some medicines is tripled and maintains this new vibration. In our diet it is necessary to pay detailed attention to the good quality and the vibration of our food and drink as well as the buying, storing, cooking and even presentation of the dishes we prepare.
* One Angström is equal to a tenth of a million of a millimetre 1 Ǻ= 1/100.000.000 mm
** The Food and Drink Dynamiser “ Landspurg Biorad System” (Registered Trade Mark deposited at the I.N.P.I. Strasbourg France the 2nd of February 2002 Trade Mark N° 00 3 005 740). Registered Design deposited also at the I.N.P.I. Strasbourg France the 12 of June 2002 N° 02 3639 - is made and sold exclusively by "La Faïencerie de la Doller", 24 Rue de la Chapelle, 68116 Guewenheim, France. Phone: 00 33 3 89 82 86 85, fax: 00 33 3 89 82 83 89.Price: 60
Dowsing Resources & Techniques --->> Dowsing Charts
Pendulum charts or dowsing charts can be used to simplify many tasks - they can be used to determine the depth of the water source, the water quality, rate of flow, pH, presence of pollutants, etc., also they can be used to measure almost any physical state (temperature, pressure, weight, speed, etc.) The following are just a few examples:
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/biometr-circular.gifThe chart above shows a linear version of a biometer used to determine the "colour" of radiation (as used in chromotherapy). The printed black circle on the left acts as the energy gathering field and should be 30mm diameter (resonant with the (-) green frequency). The chart to the left is a circular version of the colour detector. The two lines inside act as resonators to allow accurate readings with different orientations (relative to the North) - the same way as resonators used in the Universal Pendulums.
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/biometr-lie-detector.gif Lie Detector
When we tell the truth - just one hemisphere is working - we get oscillation from the front to the back.
When we tell a lie - both hemispheres are working and we get oscillation
from left to right.
This can be used from a distance using a simplified picture of the brain.
Basic Dowsing Chart http://www.diviningmind.com/image/0-100.gif
Expanded Bovis Scale
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-physical.gif Etheric
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-etheric.gif Astral
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-astral.gif Mental
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-mental.gif Causative
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-causative.gif Spiritual
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-spiritual.gif Pure Spiritual Being
http://www.diviningmind.com/image/Bovis-scale-SPBEING.gif Grapho-Puncture (JERZY WOZNIAK)
Source: Leszek Matela - Radiestezja, Zbigniew Krolicki - Radiestezja Zdrowia, Jerzy Wozniak - Nowoczesna Radiestezja
In essence - pendulum charts are an easy way to speed up the dowsing procedure and get numerical information that otherwise would be more difficult to obtain.
參見 http://www.fengshui-168.com/thread-142447-1-1.html